Welcome to the website. By connecting to or consulting the website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Personal Data Charter and so-called cookies (the “Charter”) and our general terms and conditions of use and accept them without limitation or reservation. Please note that other general terms and conditions and charters on the protection of personal data apply to the other websites of the Total group, which we recommend that you read carefully.

The purpose of the charter is to inform you of the rights and freedoms that you can assert with regard to the use we make of your personal data and describes the measures we take to protect it.

Total Belgium NV is the “controller” for the personal data in the context of the management of the website. These processing operations are carried out in accordance with applicable law.


In order to be able to use the services offered, you may provide us with certain personal data, such as name, first name, e-mail address, customer number, telephone number or address.

Total Belgium NV processes your personal data in order to give you access to the services of the website, to make your visit to the website run more smoothly, to deal with any questions you may have via the contact forms or other channels or to manage its commercial relationships.

In particular, we may collect certain of your personal data for external communication purposes, in particular to answer information questions and to better understand your expectations. In our online forms, the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. In the absence of an answer to the mandatory questions, we will not be able to provide you with the requested service (s).

Your personal data will not be further processed in a manner inconsistent with the purposes described in this Charter or in the collection forms. Your data will be stored based on the needs of Total Belgium NV and the legal regulations. We keep the personal data for the time necessary for the processing purpose for which it was collected and for any other authorized and connected purpose or as required by law. For example, we can store the data for the execution of an agreement up to three (3) years after completion of the last order placed in execution of that agreement, after which we no longer consider the data subject as a customer and destroy his data, without prejudice to the legal obligations of Total Belgium NV and its legitimate interest to keep this data longer (see below).

The retention periods of your personal data are determined in detail in the table below based on the three (3) main purposes for the processing of personal data by Total Belgium NV:

Purpose of the processing

Retention period

Processing No. 1 - Customer management in the context of the execution of contracts, including invoicing, credit management, etc.

Your data will be kept for a maximum of three (3) years after the last order with Total Belgium NV and can, if necessary, be kept in interim archives during the applicable limitation period.

Processing No. 2 - Marketing campaigns

Unless explicitly agreed, your personal data will be kept for a maximum of three (3) years after your last contact with Total Belgium NV, and if necessary, they may be kept in interim archives during the applicable limitation period.

Processing No. 3 - Management of various requests: gathering information, registrations, reporting complaints and incidents.

Your data will be kept as long as the request, complaint or incident has not been fully dealt with and closed, subject to a legal obligation of retention or a legitimate interest of Total Belgium NV to keep that data longer.

Processing No. 4: Layout of your candidate account on our recruitment platform

Your data will be retained for the period of recruitment and may, where appropriate, be kept in interim archives in accordance with the applicable statute of limitations.

Processing No. 5: Statistics

Your data will be kept for a maximum period of 12 months. For more information, please refer to Management of Cookies.



The processing of personal data by the Company mainly takes place on the basis of its legitimate interest, the existence and performance of an agreement, a legal obligation or consent.

The legitimate interest of Total Belgium NV means that it must be able to process your personal data in order to provide the services of this website and to answer your questions or, for example, to implement its fraud prevention policy.

The existence and proper execution of an agreement with Total Belgium NV require the processing of personal data, otherwise the agreement cannot be performed.

We need some personal data in order to comply with our legal obligations, in particular with regard to tax administration. In the absence of this information, Total Belgium NV will not be able to process your request and it will be in violation of the law.

Consent is required, for example, to send commercial messages or to allow us to handle certain of your requests. In the absence of consent, some of your requests will not be handled. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without jeopardizing previously carried out processing operations by writing to the following address:

TOTAL BELGIUM NV – Privacy, Handelsstraat 93, 1040 BRUSSEL

Or by  our contactform.



Total Belgium NV sets up the automated decision-making that we need to be able to personalize the external communications, compose relevant and adapted content and tailor promotional offers. This automated decision-making is based on the analysis of the consumer's behavior on the website, after he has explicitly given his consent (cookies), the analysis of the data provided by the consumer himself during his visit and / or purchase route or the analysis. of the consumer's purchasing criteria such as quality, quantity, frequency, etc. This ensures better knowledge of the consumer and better communication with that consumer.



Your personal data may be passed on to certain departments of the controller or the companies of the Total group, as well as to certain partners, independent distributors or processors for the proper execution of the agreement, for the sending of targeted correspondence or for analysis and research purposes.



Any transfer of data to a third country outside the European Economic Area is done in accordance with the applicable regulations and in such a way as to ensure appropriate protection.

As part of the services provided in the context of this website, your data such as your surname, first name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, etc. may be passed on to any company of the Group or partner of a company of the Group outside the European Union.

To ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data originating from the European Economic Area that may be transferred to entities of the Total group outside the European Economic Area, Binding Corporate Rules ”(BCR) have been adopted.

For data transfers that are not covered by the BCR to countries outside the European Economic Area, other measures are provided to ensure an adequate level of protection.

If you want more information about our BCRs, please click here . For information on other measures taken to ensure adequate protection, please write to the contact address below.


The controller takes appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data and in particular to prevent your data from being distorted, damaged or unauthorized third parties from gaining access to it.



In accordance with the applicable regulations, you have a right to access, correct, delete your personal data and a right to object. You also have the right to object to commercial prospecting under the terms of the applicable regulations. You can request notification of your personal data and you have the right to provide guidance on what to do with your personal data after your death. You can also ask for a restriction of use for the portability of your personal data and / or you can submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority. You can exercise your rights and ask us questions about the processing of your personal data by contacting TOTAL BELGIUM NV - Privacy, Handelsstraat 93, 1040 BRUSSELS.